Louie Update

I’m (very) happy to report tonight that Louie’s condition is improving, and he seems to be out of the critical stage. Bob and I went to visit him at the hospital tonight, and he’s able to walk, which is a pretty big accomplishment considering that when we left Saturday, he was in an incubator and couldn’t move at all. It’s still really sad seeing him hooked up to the IV and the catheter bag. And he’s got this ridiculous little kitty hospital gown thing on around his neck, I assume to keep him from trying to wiggle out of his tubes. He’s still acting kind of strange, but I hope that it’s just a temporary upset from the stress of everything that happened to him and being in the hospital and all. We have been told that he could have had a stroke during his ordeal, and might have suffered neurological damage on top of everything else.

Thanks everybody for all you kind comments. I’m sure Louie appreciates it, and I know Bob and I do! We’re hoping he can come home tomorrow. The house seems really empty without Louie. Jet seems confused, and he keeps wandering around the apartment looking for him.

I am NOT complaining about anybody who reads my blog here, but just for the record… even if you think that someone is crazy for spending several thousand dollars to keep their pet alive, it’s pretty fucking insensitive to tell them that. Unless you’re helping me with the vet bill, I don’t think you have any right to an opinion on the matter of my cat. It also doesn’t help when you say things like, "Maybe you should have aksed how much it would cost to put the thing out of its misery." Ahem. *steps off soapbox*

As usual in times of extreme stress, I’ve turned to knitting for help. Saturday night, I threw myself into working on the orange Aran Sweater.

Not that you can see any progress. Every row is intense and S-L-O-W.

Today, I cranked out a bulky hat out of a freshly wound hank of Naturwolle. I have just enough left over for the cuff on a pair of coordinating mittens. I don’t normally advise large quanities of bulky wool, but sometimes a project you can start and finish in less than one afternoon of knitting is good for the soul.

When I can afford to buy another skein (possibly never, but a girl can dream), I’m planning on making a scarf to complete the ensemble. Then, it will be time to shop for a matching coat!


  1. Elizabeth said

    Oh, man! I hope that whole mean people who say unkind things about kitty vet bills was just a hypothetical thing. Surely no one really said that to you? Seriously?
    The gloves look great and you know I love the hat. šŸ™‚

  2. Steph said

    So glad to hear that Louie is getting better. Ignore the naysayers. How much do we spend on ourselves and other human members of our families to keep them healthy? Some people don’t get that pets are part of our family. Poo to them!

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